Friday, January 18, 2008

Thoughts Are Like Habits

Sometimes we are able to make some changes in ourselves, almost like New Year's resolutions. We c hange our thoughts, our habits, our way of doing things. Then in about six months, sometimes a year, sometimes more, we find ourselves back where we were. If thoughts are like bad habits, and sometimes they are, remember it takes time to change,and remember that sometimes we need a tune up--we need to go back to our goals, our resolutions, and look at how we are doing.

Sometimes, we need to create structures to support the changes--an agreement to report to someone monthly about how we are doing. Put in our calendars to review our progress monthly for a year. Make our screensavers the reminders of how we want to think or be, and then make sure we read it every week.

In some ways, what these do is make us accountable to someone or something outside of ourselves; someone or something supportive.
