Monday, April 21, 2008

Couples Therapy

Dr. Sue Johson, developer of Emotionally Focussed Therapy, has just published her latest book. " Hod Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love" is a manual for couples in some ways. IT teaches the basics of EFT and helps people to understnad why it works, by giving them access to examples and specifics.


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

How Not to Become the Person You Want to Be

I had a client say to me the other day that he wanted to answer some online dating ads, but it didn't seem to him that this was the way to go. "It is not for me," he told me. It made me think that what he was doing was limiting himself by limiting his vision of himself, by creating some kind of boundaries that he didn't want to cross.

Yes he could have. He could have said to himself, this is something I will try. It is like you are are not a skiier, until you decide to ski, you are not a writer until you write. And why not do this, if he wants to meet someone? He could do this, if he could allow himself to go there.

Now, I know there are some weird people on websites, but there are wonderful people, and wonderful stories. Not for everyone, but for many. Like everything else, we don't do things blindly. But we don't blind ourselves from doing things either, hopefully.

We push through limits sometimes, simply by pushing through limits, and finding out that we can be the kind of person he didn't think we were.
