Thursday, August 7, 2008

Going to Bed Angry with Your Partner

Recently heard on the radio a discussion of whether one should or should not allow an argument to go unresolved overnight, thus having partners go to bed angry. Conventional wisdome says no. I say, sometimes. There are times when, after the initial anger settles, we realize it is not a big deal. Also, it gives us time to get to what is really bothering us, so that we don't just hit out. It allows us to get to the place where we can say, " I feel hurt" or "It meant to me that I am not important," etc. instead of saying, "You are an inconsiderate blob." There are times when we are exhausted from the day and it is not a good time. The thing to do, is agree to discuss it at another time, and set a firm time, which both parties will adhere to.
