Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Foster Homes and Abuse

I was talking to a friend of mine who works in the Ministry that looks after children and familis in BC. We were talking about foster homes where the care is substandard. He was telling me that it is not easy to close down a foster home because of the Foster Parents Association. My first reaction was one of anger--I thought, whose side are those people on? They should be on the side of the children. If there is a problematic foster home, with documented evidence, there is no question it should be shut down.

Yes, I know there are loads of wonderful people who are great foster parents. And I know kids will not always tell the truth. But when there are consistent problems, and ongoing complaints, we should not have to wait five and ten years to help.

The problem is there are not enough foster homes, my friend said. Somehow, we have to work harder. That is not a good excuse to put children in harm's way.



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