Wednesday, November 25, 2009


One way to think about anxiety is that it is a warning of danger. You can see it as a helpful occurrence, and not as something out of control and scary.

Anxeity is also a response to a stimulus that has generalized. ORiginally there may have been a danger of some kind, perhaps physical, perhaps psychological. But the original danger gets lost and the fear response is activated at other times which sometimes are so far from the original source, that one doesn't remember what it was.

Ask youself, what is this a warning about? Be as specific as you can. Ask yourself who, what where, when it came from. Then examine if the current situation or thought necessitates this fear reaction--is this something I have to be afraid of?

Remind yourself that you may have skills now that you didn't have, that you are older, wiser, not a child anymore, and this is something you can handle. Perhaps remind yourself that the person or situation that is at hand, is different from what the fear is telling you about. These people are not your parents, you can say no, you have options, you can walk away.


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